Utilising the latest software our in-house Geology department carry out data interpretation and structural analysis to create petrophysical reports for the client. Having gained quality, calibrated data set from downhole imagery with our suite of next generation acoustic (ATV) and optical (OTV) televiewers we have the basis to provide quality reports.
Increasingly within the industry ATV and OTV surveys are being used to complement traditional core in the identification and orientation of structures. Having a continuous high definition image with orientation eliminates human error when it comes to the logging of structural dip and dip direction. Some clients are reducing the amount of expensive diamond cored holes and opting to drill RC and rely on OTV imagery for structural identification and analysis thus saving time and money.
Open hole logs give you:
An example of a Groundsearch Australia petrophysical report is available by request (please note that all client confidential information will be removed)
Groundsearch Australia has the ability to produce kinematic analysis reports and plots under the supervision of a competent person using DIPS software package.